Posted on 12/10/2019 by Brandon Cooley |
We all know that using too much toothpaste can be bad for your oral health, especially in children. Swallowing too much fluoride can cause white streaks and the discoloration of forming teeth known as dental fluorosis. Not to mention that using too much can be wasteful and can have an impact on your wallet as well as your teeth. But what are the dangers of not using enough toothpaste while you brush your teeth? No Remineralization or Bacteria ProtectionFluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that has been shown in many studies to help in the remineralization of tooth enamel. When it is not used or not enough is used the enamel can be worn away faster. This can lead to cavities and decay in the teeth and costly fillings. Fluoride has also been shown to be antibacterial and can help to prevent the buildup of bacteria on the teeth and gums. This also will diminish the risk of cavities and it also reduces the risk of gum disease. This is important for oral health and fluoride should always be included in your dental health routine. Using too little toothpaste is almost as bad as using no toothpaste at all. Sure, it would clean the bacteria-laden film off the enamel of your teeth to brush without it. Although the benefits of fluoride far outweigh the negative effects of it. Even if you are determined to use a fluoride-free toothpaste it is important to use enough toothpaste so that the healing benefits of the ingredients can be maximized. If you suspect that you are not using enough toothpaste and that it may be causing problems with your oral health call our office today. We would love to schedule a consultation where we can discuss the drawbacks of not using enough. We could also help you with picking out the right toothpaste to keep your smile healthy for years to come. Don't hesitate, call us today! |
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(425) 216-3367 kenmore@cooleysmiles.com LOCATION 18031 67th Avenue NE Kenmore, WA 98028-4839 |