Should You Expect to Have to Replace Your Fillings?
Posted on 8/9/2021 by Brandon Cooley
To put it bluntly, yes, it should be expected to happen at some point. Fillings are only meant to last for around 15 years if they are well taken care of. Meaning that if there are factors or habits that affect the filling or the tooth that the filling is in, the replacement may have to come far sooner than expected. You may not even notice that there is something wrong with the fillings since they are usually tooth-colored these days. But there are some tell-tale signs that they should be at least looked at, if not removed and replaced.
If the Filling is Cracked or Discolored
Sometimes fillings crack from the pressure of our bites or grinding or from an injury. In some cases, the crack will be visible and thus in need of immediate attention, but in other cases, you may not know there is a crack until after x-rays are done. Also, if you have noticed a discoloration of your filling, it should be looked at and most likely removed. This is because resin starts to change color as it ages, and having a single-color smile will greatly improve your day.
If the Filling Hurts or is Sensitive
If you find yourself in discomfort and you believe the source is from a tooth with a filling, it's important that you come in to see us immediately. Tooth decay can continue under a filling, so having a throbbing feeling inside of that tooth is an indicator of an infection. This throbbing is different from the sensitivity you may experience from drinking cold beverages. This sensitivity is an indicator of a crack in the filling tooth, making the nerves of the tooth exposed and raw. If you believe that you're having discomfort because of a filling or you have had the same fillings for years, give us a call today; changing them now can save you from discomfort in the future.